Get Introduce To Dui Coin, World’s First Hybrid Cat-Dog Meme Coin

Defying Fortune
4 min readJun 25, 2021

The term Decentralized Finance (DeFi) appears to be misinterpreted. This is quite natural. This is quite normal. Defi might be difficult to understand at times. Blockchain technology and its advancements deserve market acceptance since there is no function or requirement for third parties to execute any transaction with this technology. All information and data are kept on blockchain in a distributed ledger and the account of the user. Because the data is open to everybody, there is no possibility of data tampering or hacking. Blockchain technology offers its users a quick, safe, and transparent ecosystem to conduct their transactions without involving third parties, resulting in cheap transaction costs and no third-party barriers.

What Is a Dui Coin?

Dui Coin is a new Blockchain-based DeFi ecosystem. Dui Coin is a one-of-a-kind initiative with remarkable characteristics. The cryptocurrency is built on the Binance Smart Chain, which assures security, simplicity of transactions, and eliminates the rigidity of high transaction fees and poor transaction speeds. What distinguishes Dui Coin is its outstanding tokenomics, audited and validated Smart contracts, and unique communities. The initiative is still in its early stages; therefore, investors who join now will gain immensely. Dui Coin will provide an NFT marketplace and decentralized exchanges where users may trade their crypto assets for another.

The DUI Token and Its Tokenomics

DUI coin is produced on the Binance smart chain (BSC) blockchain with a total quantity of 3 trillion DUI tokens. The token is meant to have a deep use case that will gradually burn the supply and enhance the token value to the advantage of all owners.

Dui Coin Information

Name : Dui Coin

Total Supply: 3 trillion DUI

Sybmbol: DUI

Blockchain : BEP 20

$DUI Contract address : 0x8943b6d1677a4addbe5aa58f429e11e856746fba

Token Distribution Of Dui Coin

As a critical factor of token in DUI coin and mixture of cat and dog, Dui Coin will supply a 3 trillion token to every team member. You will also be joining our team and get tokens. However, the distribution details of the token supply are as under.

  • Liquidity 18 %
  • Private Sale 10 %
  • First Members Sale 24 %
  • Pre-listing Sale 37 %
  • Team/Development 2.5 %
  • Charity Fund 2.5 %
  • Marketing Fund 2.5 %
  • Burning Wallet 2.5 %
  • Dxsale Fees 1 %

Hybrid System Of Dui Coin

The hybrid form of the Di coin stems from its intention to unite both the dog and the cat. As a result, it is a hybrid cat-dog meme coin. It’s also worth noting that the meme currency’s value goes beyond the excitement of being the first hybrid meme coin. Instead, it focuses on the fact that Dui coin carries the notion of caring for the creatures depicted on the coin (cats and dogs). The plan is to use some of the revenue from token sales and earnings to care for thousands of abandoned dogs and cats.

Charity Of Dui Coin

It is worth noting that the crew behind this initiative is deeply committed to the well-being of pets, particularly cats and dogs. Furthermore, they have already centred the project on a one-of-a-kind, real-life animal known as Di. The animal is said to be a mix between a cat and a dog. It will be considered a cat-dog hybrid that will serve as the foundation for the meme coin. Dui Coin would also take care of other pets, particularly cats and dogs. The project’s staff does this by reserving 3% of the entire supply of the Dui Coin meme coin. The funding will assist pet institutions in caring for neglected, lost, and mistreated cats and dogs. More abandoned cats and dogs would be rescued and cared for if the Dui Coin charity wallet assisted these pet facilities.

Tokenomics is growing more popular because it can develop innovative loyalty systems that organizations and businesses utilize worldwide. Dui Coin believes that tax-reward systems will play a significant part in how individuals and corporations function in the future. Token $DUI is your friend, much like your pet. It must be cared for and rewarded; this is all part of the project, and Dui Coin needs your help to flourish. By giving Token $DUI, you can also help animal shelters and charities. As Dui Coin grows in popularity, it receives more cash for new programs and activities. Token $DUI is a MemeToken with enormous potential. Join Dui Coin with a guaranteed profit on your invested assets.

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Author of the Article:

Bitcointalk Name: MoneyCryptor520

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Bsc Wallet: 0x05d9386Ad9583acE0eb5d97517519Eab2EA19707

